Introduction to Lean Thinking and Continuous Improvement
With LCS1A Test
Welcome to Introduction to Lean Thinking and Continuous Improvement
Origins and Introduction to Lean Thinking: Module Overview
Introduction to the module
Why Lean Thinking?
The Origins of Lean Thinking
Introduction to Lean Thinking
Introduction to Lean Thinking and Continuous Improvement
Lean Thinking: Key Frameworks
Lean Thinking: Underpinning Principles and Related Concepts
Pop Quiz - Lean Thinking Introduction and Origins
What is Lean Thinking Infographic
Introduction to Lean Thinking (Click Through Presentation)
Origins of Lean Thinking (Click Through Presentation)
Lean Thinking Underpinning and Related Concepts (Click Through Presentation)
Lean Thinking Key Frameworks (Click Through Presentation)
Lean Thinking Core Concepts: Module Overview
Welcome to Lean Thinking Core Concepts
Demand and Capacity
What would you do - Capacity.
The Seven Wastes and Muda
Mura (overburden) and Muri (unevenness)
Value Stream and Value Stream Mapping
Flow and Pull
Core Concepts Pop Quiz!